Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Notes on the letter, dates, and RTB...

For anyone who is unclear about the Rehabilitation Scheme, Janet Halldorson at the Residential Tenancies Branch (204) 945-2476 is the Tenant Officer handling the case.

There are several things to note:

- Tenants are allowed stay until the end of their current lease. They are not *required* to vacate by April 30th.
This date is when the landlord would like to move forward with renovations.

- The letter before Feb 25th, is for the COMPENSATION of $600.
You still have a right to stay PAST April 30th, AND should you vacate after that you aren't entitled to the $600 (they are only legally bound to provide up to $350 in the act.)

- If you choose to stay past April 30, but want to leave prior to the end of your lease, you can provide 1 months notice in writing. (Janet has mentioned this... check with her for details if this is something of interest.)

- IF you want to re-lease your suite, you have until you vacate (no matter when) to send a letter in writing stating your interest. This is because they are renovating and asking us to leave.

- The RTB will go through and inspection of the suites again (maybe as soon as this week.) They show the suites and areas with major problems that require renovation. This happened last year, and it was Janet who came around in April, and she approved the rehabilitation order at that time, agreeing that the building needed these renovations.

- There will be an initial hearing (NOT an Appeal, but the first "process hearing") set after the RTB sends out an order letting us know if they've approved the rehab scheme. You can voice your concerns at this hearing or also specify details to be read or brought up via letter to RTB (talk to Janet.)

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